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McLane Intelligent Solutions

I Need Professional IT Consulting

Make Big Decisions with Executive-Level IT Consulting

Get Your Technology Assessment Now

When it comes to your technology, there’s always a big decision to be made. You know that your IT is the backbone of your success, but without the necessary expertise and experience, it can be difficult to make the right decision. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the experience of a knowledgeable executive without having to hire one full time?

Well, with McLane Intelligent Solutions’ IT consulting you can. Our team has the knowledge and background to provide you with advice for the game-changing decisions you need to make. We’ll learn your business goals, priorities and strategies and then recommend the best technology strategy to get you to your big-picture goal.


No technology is immune to the occasional hiccup, but sometimes your IT to-do list takes over your entire workday, and your time, money and peace of mind are valuable. Whether you need to fully outsource your IT or your existing team needs strategic guidance, our managed and co-managed IT services are the cure for your technology headache. Our friendly help desk technicians proactively monitor your network and servers to ensure everything is updated and properly backed up.


Imagine having a seasoned IT expert on your team ensuring every technology decision made aligns with your business goals without the huge price tag. As part of our IT outsourcing services, we’ll assign you a virtual chief information officer (vCIO). Your vCIO will work with you to understand your business, map out your goals and improve your technology so you’re never slowed down.


Are you tired of trying to chase down your IT provider? Or maybe you’re tired of not understanding the “geek speak” solutions your managed services provider gives you when you call. When you call our 24/7 IT help desk with your IT challenges, you’ll discover that our technicians are friendly and normal people that break technology down to a level that anyone can understand. We talk to you, not above you. Give us a call and see for yourself.

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Contact McLane Intelligent Solutions and Experience Texas IT Services Without The Geek Speak

Our Six Categories of

IT Services:

IT Services

Fully outsource your day-to-day IT tasks to us, and get back to running your Texas business.

Protect your important files and data with cyber security the size of Texas.

Give your unresponsive managed services provider the boot, and experience reliable IT support.

Get the extra IT support your technology team needs to lighten their workload.

Change the way your team communicates and collaborates with cloud-based solutions.

Access executive-level IT advice for important technology decisions, without the big price tag.

Give your unresponsive managed services provider the boot, and experience reliable IT support.

Access executive-level IT advice for important technology decisions, without the big price tag.

McLane Intelligent Solutions

Are You Ready To Take Your IT
To The Next Level?

Do You Need Executive-Level Input?